Thursday, December 21, 2006

User-database: Homer-Hesiod completed!!

Someone must have been really good this year because Christmas is striking early and often. My new hero in life, John Jackson, just completed his ginormous endeavor to tag and lemmatize the entire Homeric/Hesiodic corpus and because he is such a gracious individual he allows me to import this material into BibleWorks. Who's the real winner? We all are! By all means, drop John a note to tell him how awesome he is!

So without further ado. Update your files, because John Jackson has finished and this latest database (HHJ and HJM) includes the Shield of Heracles and all of the Homeric Hymns, lemmatized, tagged and everything. Wow.

The Hesiodic material is based on the Evelyn-White edition, which can be found online via Google.


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Wednesday, December 20, 2006

New Module - St. Chrysostom's Works

My favorite Italian, Pasquale, has released his first revision of St. Chrysostom's works as a module available for users in BibleWorks 7. This release will function very similarly to his previous Augustine's Works module.

Thanks for all your hard work, Pasquale!



User-database: Callimachus (Greek)

A quick treat before Christmas. Now the addition of Callimachus' Hymns and Epigrams in Greek to BW7! This edition is based on Hymns and Epigrams. Callimachus. Ulrich von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff. Berlin. Weidmann. 1897.

(More on Callimachus can be gathered here)


Update: I posted the wrong text file (it had numbers in the text), so if you downloaded that copy, you can redownload and compile again.

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Friday, December 08, 2006

testing testing 1 2 3

Is this working yet? Please be patient as we port over to the blogger beta.

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