Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Jerome's Latin Psalter based on the Hebrew

Mark G. Vitalis Hoffman (MGVH) has uploaded Jerome's Latin Psalter, based on the the Hebrew text (VPH). For more information about the file, take a look at his post on the BibleWorks forum, and his blog.

From Mark's description in the files:
The Vulgate: Liber Psalmorum Iuxta Hebraicum = Jerome's Psalter based on the Hebrew

Jerome's translation of the Psalter based on the Hebrew. Ca. 398-405CE. For more information, cf. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Latin_Psalters

Text derived from: http://www.musall.de/vulgata/index.html (also available here: http://bouwebrouwer.nl/vulgata/)

Text in the public domain. (Cf. http://bouwebrouwer.nl/vulgata/vulgata.html)
To install, download the file and unzip its contents into your /BibleWorks/databases/ directory.

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Monday, July 23, 2007

Delitzsch Hebrew New Testament

Ewan MacLeod is at it again. This time he's proofread and compiled the Hebrew New Testament by Franz Delitzsch. MacLeod states:
This is a very good complement to the current Salkinson-Ginsburg Hebrew New Testament in BW. Both were made shortly before Modern Hebrew was created by Eliezer ben Yehuda, yet the Delitzsch HNT in particular flows very fluently, and still sounds good today. If you turn the Text Comparison facility on to compare HNT and DLZ, you will see that there is a great deal of similarity between the two.

To install, unzip the files into your /bibleworks/databases/ folder.

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Thursday, July 19, 2007

Peshitta NT in Hebrew with Vowel Pointing

Ewan MacLeod has made available the Peshitta New Testament with Hebrew letters and vowel pointing.

In contrast to the current PEH database, this text contains vowels, which makes it a useful addition to BibleWorks. The presence of vowels makes it easier at times to understand the text, and it helps one learn how to pronounce the text. In addition, there are some minor differences between the two texts. For best use of this text, use the Text Comparison facility in BibleWorks to highlight the differences when you are studying the Peshitta.BW Parallel PEH/PHVText downloaded from the web archive of www.peshitta.org. It is unclear who (if anyone) owns the copyright for this text. An email to the site to request permission to use the text bounced. The current peshitta.org site gives blanket permission to use its materials.


**NOTE: Unzip files, and place in your /BibleWorks/databases/ folder. You do not have to use the Version Database Compiler.**

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Thursday, July 12, 2007

Calvin's Commentary Update

Willem Swanepoel has just completed an update to Calvin's Commentaries, which now include Calvin's comments on the Old and New Testament as well as the Apocrypha.

If you have previously downloaded the Calvin's OT commentaries, delete those files before restarting BibleWorks later.


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