Thursday, May 31, 2007

Update: Goodwin's Grammar

New to Goodwin's Greek Grammar is added functionality to make it more useful as a reference text.

Now when you have it loaded in BibleWorks it will offer links in the Resource Summary Window based on over 20 syntactical categories like the cases, moods, pronouns which will instantly jump you to the relevant portions of Goodwin's Grammar.

Take a look for instance at John 16:1. When I mouse over the word ὑμῖν, Goodwin now provides instant links to the following syntactic categories which pertain to this word: Pronouns, Personal Pronouns, and Dative Case.

Then clicking on one of these will automatically load the Goodwin Grammar to the appropriate spot. Neat huh?

To get this feature you could redownload the entire Goodwin grammar, but that isn't especially recommended since it's over 20MB. Instead, just download this short goodwingr.chd, save it in your subdirectory of BibleWorks called "databases" (overwriting the old file), restart BibleWorks and you will have the new special features.

DOWNLOAD entire Grammar!

DOWNLOAD goodwingr.chd!

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Monday, May 28, 2007

New Module - Reformation Confessions

Now available a module which includes various Reformation related confessions including:

  • Luther's 95 Theses
  • Augsburg Confession of 1530
  • Heidelberg Confession
  • The Canons of Dort
  • Westminster Confession of Faith
  • Waldensian Confession
  • Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy


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Friday, May 25, 2007

Vocab Module: LXX Vocabulary

BibleWorks user Jackson Atkins submitted a vocabulary file for the BibleWorks Vocabulary Module which contains words used in the LXX 100+ times but that do not occur in the New Testament 10+ times (a pool which includes 89 words). The frequency numbers and definitions were made from the LEH Septuagint lexicon and proper names were omitted.

Jackson writes: I hope this vocab file will help people to explore and use the LXX more in their studies and ministries. I am currently working on an extended vocab file that includes all the words that are in the LXX 100+ times but not in the NT 25+ times (241 words). However, I have no idea when I will complete this file.

Copy file to \init\ subdirectory of BibleWorks7
Load the Vocabulary Module in BibleWorks
File: Import: and open lxxvocab100.vrt

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New Module - An Elementary Latin Dictionary, Charlton Lewis

A few blog entries ago I hinted that there would be some new fun tools for Latinists in BibleWorks. Well here is the first, a real treat for Latinists/Classicists: the release of a high class Latin lexicon for use in BibleWorks!

This lexicon is built as HTML module which means that it can be used as a stand-alone, outside of BibleWorks. Initially, it loads a little slowly because it is such a large database, but once you begin using it, it navigates very quickly and is quite responsive. In some ways it can be quicker to use this lexicon than the paper kind!

In BibleWorks, you can load the file via the Resources menu, and within that under Latin Resources.

While BibleWorks currently does not yet have lemmatized Latin databases and I have also not yet released any lemmatized Latin databases (although hopefully someday...), the current functionality of the lexicon is a bit limited. However, if you stick around for a few more blog posts, I'll show you how, with the availability of a lemmatized Latin database, the functionality of this lexicon will be virtually seamless!

(once again, thank Pasquale (who is now my favorite Italian, my regrets to the Pope, but he's not really Italian anyway and as a Lutheran, my papal respect can only go so far anyway....) for his amazing work which makes resources like this freely available to others.)


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Wednesday, May 23, 2007

New Module - Revised Common Lectionary

Thanks to the impetus of Mark Hoffman and Pasquale's HTML work, there is a new module out of the Revised Common Lectionary.

I will point you to Mark's blog for the original announcement.



Monday, May 21, 2007

Version updates

Due to a couple of bugs in the previous posts, there are new files available for Bishops' Bible and King James 1611.

Also, a new update of Xenophon's Works changes a few book names which conflicted with the Horace files.

DOWNLOAD! King James 1611
DOWNLOAD! Bishops' Bible
DOWNLOAD! Xenophon's Works

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Sunday, May 20, 2007

Vocab Module: Stoy, Bibelgriechisch - leicht gemacht

New vocabulary for BibleWorks 7 -- Greek <---> German
Contributed by BibleWorks user: Bernhard Riedler
Notes below in English and auf Deutsch:

Stoy, Bibelgriechisch – leicht gemacht (SBGLG)

Version 1.0

I might have lost about 5-10 words due to using the gntvoc file as a basis, and there might be a few cuts concerning the number of translations given, but I think it is good to work with anyways.

One major adjustment is that I used the top left corner of the flashcard for indicating how many translations one should know, instead of stating the morphology code.

Hier ist meine Bearbeitung der Flashcards für

Stoy, Bibelgriechisch – leicht gemacht (SBGLG)

Ich habe beim Übertrag vielleicht 5-10 Wörter verloren, und ein paar Abstriche bei der Anzahl an Übersetzungsmöglichkeiten gemacht, aber zum lernen sollte es dennoch sehr hilfreich sein.

Eine nennenswerte Änderung ist, dass ich für mich entschieden habe, am linken, oberen Eck der Karteikarte anzugeben, wie viele Übersetzungsmöglichkeiten man bei der Abfrage wissen sollte.

Version 1.0

Copy file to \init\ subdirectory of BibleWorks7
Load the Vocabulary Module in BibleWorks
File: Import: and open sbglg.vrt

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Wednesday, May 16, 2007

New Module - Goodwin, A Greek Grammar

The latest offering is one that has long been available on TextKit and CCEL. I had always been hoping to find a text/HTML version of it online somewhere, but I haven't yet. Nevertheless, the page images are still valuable and so now we are pleased to release Goodwin's Greek Grammar for use in BibleWorks 7! Sure it's not as good as the real thing, but the price is right isn't it??

This is what the blurb in TextKit had to say:

Goodwin's Greek Grammar stands with Hadley's Greek Grammar as one of the most widely used and longest running Greek Grammars in America. The grammar has gone through many editions and reprints for over 130 years, with the last major edition appearing in 1930.

Goodwin first earned academic recognition for his Syntax of the Moods and Tenses of the Greek Verb which was first published in 1865. Five years later in 1870 he created the first edition of Greek Grammar which was a brief 235 page textbook called Elementary Greek Grammar. In 1879 the grammar was later revised to 393 page edition and renamed to A Greek Grammar. In 1892, Goodwin revised his grammar yet again to the 451 page edition entitled, A Greek Grammar Revised and Enlarged. It is the 'revised and enlarged' edition which was in widespread use and it is this edition that is available for download. The next major edition, the Goodwin and Gulick edition, occurred 38 years later in 1930 and was largely rewritten by Charles Gulick. The Goodwin and Gulick edition can be purchased new to this day.It should be made absolutely clear that Goodwin's Greek Grammar is what is known as a reference grammar and it is not intended for beginners. Historically, students used this grammar in conjunction with a reader by the same publisher. The reader would provide notes and references back to the grammar for further help and clarification. See Goodwin's First Four Book's of Xenophon's Anabasis as an example.

Goodwin's Greek Grammar use as a reference grammar for the modern student is now largely replaced by Smyth's massive and highly praised 800 page Greek Grammar which was first published in 1920. Still, for intermediates Goodwin offers more succinct discussions and for all learners an additional perspective is at times very helpful. Part IV, Syntax, should prove to be especially helpful for today's learners and is well worth exploration.


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Tuesday, May 15, 2007

New Module - Plumley's Introductory Coptic Grammar

Just hours after a user on the BibleWorks user forums wondered if it would be possible to convert J. Martin Plumley's Introductory Coptic Grammar from HTML to a BibleWorks user-module, Pasquale showed that it could be done and came through with such speed that it makes me look like a turtle. I still have like ten other things I'm trying to do, but haven't finished and before I could even look at the files, he finished compiling and converting it. So now you are the beneficiaries!

The zip file contains the grammar itself and fonts. The fonts need to be installed to Windows (by moving them to the \fonts\ directory of Windows. The grammar files can be placed in the \databases\ subdirectory of BibleWorks 7.


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Sunday, May 13, 2007

Updates: Bishops', King James 1611, Wycliffe

As was promised earlier, Bob Venem with the help of others (especially Mark Eddy) have finished verse-mapping files (.VMF) for the three olde English versions Bishops', King James 1611, and Wycliffe, which are now available. The files will look the same if you have already downloaded them, but included will be a file that ends in the extension .vmf. You will want to place the .vmf file in the subdirectory/folder called "databases" in your BibleWorks directory. The verse-mapping file ensures that when you read a verse in these versions, even if their versification doesn't agree with another Bible version you are reading, that you will get that same verse as long as it is contained in that Bible version.

For instance if you look in the browse window in the ESV for Psalm 3:5 you will get: ESV Psalm 3:5 I lay down and slept; I woke again, for the LORD sustained me.

but if you also have the Hebrew WTT shown, you will see that the corresponding verse to that in Hebrew is not referred to as Psalm 3:5, but Psalm 3:6. The reason that you get the correct verse to show up (even if it is a different number) is because someone spent the time making a verse-map for the ESV and WTT.

Now this same feature will extend to these three Bibles.


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Thursday, May 10, 2007

User-database: Horace's Works (Latin x2 and English)

Well it's been a quiet time lately, but both of your hosts have successfully completed major portions of their Master's degree programs. In addition to that, I have been very busy attempting to put together some major projects for BibleWorks users. Trust me, you'll love 'em!

But meanwhile, I was able to complete a first edition of Horace's works in two Latin versions and one English translation! The difficulty with finding English translations for poetical works is that line breaks never agree with the Latin line breaks which makes it impossible to line up texts without lots of work. But then again it takes a lot of work to translate the Latin into English in the same number of lines and still maintain a good poetic feel to the text.

In any event, Horace is a great poet who lived during the time of the great transition from Caesar of the name Julius to Caesar of the name Augustus. If you need some more basic material you can start at Google or perhaps Wikipedia.

DOWNLOAD Latin, Latin version 2, English!

Look for some more hints on how to use Latin in BibleWorks in the coming days!

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